David Rincon-Cruz


Phone Number: +1(X)Y-Z

X,Y prime; Y-X=42; Z+X prime, gcd(X+Y,Z) = 4; gcd(Z-X,Z-Y) = 3; Z%X=56; Z%Y=313


2016-2018 (expected)
BS, Computer Science; Columbia University (New York, NY)

Courses: Advanced Programming, Programming and Problem Solving, Computer Graphics, Probability and Statistics, Computer Science Theory, Operating Systems I, Programming Languages and Translators, Introduction to Databases, Undergraduate Research (Mutable Replay), Undergraduate Research (Accessible Ultrasound), Advanced Software Engineering, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Applied Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Deep Learning For Computer Vision

Dual BA, Mathematics and Computer Science; Knox College (Galesburg, IL)

CS Courses: Operating Systems and Networking, Computer Organization and Assembly Language, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Information Management, Automata Theory and Programming Languages, Advanced Algorithm Approaches, Computer Graphics, Parallel and Concurrent Programming, So ware Development and Professional Practice, Software Engineering (Android Development)

Math Courses: Abstract Algebra II, Advanced Linear Algebra, Vector Calculus, Differential Equations, Graph Theory, Commutative Algebra, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Research - Lebesgue Measure Theory


Incoming Software Engineering – Airbnb, Inc.

San Francisco, CA, United States

July 2018

Course Assistant – Columbia University

New York, NY, United States

January 2016 - May 2018

  • Course Assistant for Analysis of Algorithms (Dr. Alexandr Andoni) and Development Technologies (Prof. Andrew Hitti), Computer Science Theory (Dr. Tal G. Malkin & Dr. Nakul Verma). Computer Graphics (Prof. Micheal Reed), and Discrete Mathematics(Prof. Jessica Ouyang)

  • Actively answer and engage class questions and discussions on email list, grade student assignments, and hold scheduled office hours to provide further assistance to students.

Software Engineering Intern – Airbnb, Inc.

San Francisco, CA, United States

May 2017 - August 2017

  • Member of the Trust-Identity Team. Worked in Android, IOS, React Native, web and backend.

  • Worked on mobile development and identity related features such as government ID scanning, phone number verification, selfie capture, etc.

Student Research Assistant – Knox College

Galesburg, IL, United States

November 2014 - Aug. 2016

  • Worked under Dr. David B. Bunde in NSF supported research to maximize supercomputer performance on the Dragonfly topology. My research team and I focused on proofs involving maximizing the Bisection Bandwidth of varying connection schemes. Coauthor on published paper in IEEE Cluster 2015

  • Worked on further expansions, including proofs of new connection schemes and simulations of throughput based in linear programming. CoAuthor on published paper in HiPINEB 2017.

Student Grader and Teaching Assistant (Computer Science and Mathematics) – Knox College

Galesburg, IL, United States

Sept. 2013 - Mar. 2016

  • Assisted students during class labs, responsible for grading student homework, typed up solutions, and kept an in-depth record of assignments and student performance on spreadsheets}
  • Courses Graded/Assisted:
    • Design and Methodology (Dr. John A. Stratton)
    • Design and Methodology (Dr. David B. Bunde)
    • Algorithm Design and Analysis (Prof. John Dooley)
    • Linear Algebra (Dr. Dennis M. Schneider)
    • Discrete Mathematics (Dr. Andrew Leahy)
    • Differential Equations (Dr. Andrew Leahy)
    • Operating Systems and Networks (Dr. David B. Bunde)

Undergraduate Student Researcher – Illinois Institute of Technology and University of Chicago

Chicago, IL, United States

June 2015 - Aug. 2015

  • Studied and researched theoretical computer science regarding large scale computing and wireless networking at the Illinois Institute of Technology and University of Chicago.}

  • Improved best-known algorithm for finding minimum-energy k-disjoint paths in a wireless network between source and sink by a linear factor and coauthored published paper in SustainCom 2016.

Research Projects

Student Researcher - Common Green – Columbia University and Carnegie Mellon University

New York, NY, United States

Jan. 2018 - Present

  • Working under Dr. Seth Goldstein in exploring the efficacy of creating a serverless/ownerless social network platform by using JavaScript, WebRTC, and overlay networks.

  • Primarily responsible for designing and implementing the backend layer - adapting kademlia open-source libraries to utilize a mesh peer-to-peer network constructed out of WebRTC connections.

Student Researcher - Open-Source Portable Ultrasound Imaging Technology – Columbia University

New York, NY, United States

Sept. 2017 - Dec. 2017

  • Worked to develop an open source ultra-portable 3D ultrasound hand-held device for medical imaging that is both affordable and easily accessible.

  • Responsible for signals processing and image scheme. Primarily worked on the 3D graphical visualizations.

Student Researcher - Mutable Record/Replay Bug Reproduction for Java – Columbia University

New York, NY, United States

Jan. 2017 - May 2017

  • Contributed to ChroniclerJ, a capture system that allows for deterministic recording and reproducing buggy program executions with low overhead by logging sources of non-determinism only at the library level and automatically generating test cases when failures occur. Primarily performing static analysis on data flow.

  • http://www.psl.cs.columbia.edu/1801/recordreplay-bug-reproduction-for-java/

Student Researcher - Automated Geometry Theorem Proving – Knox College

Galesburg, IL, United States

June 2014 - Aug. 2014

  • Studied under the guidance of Dr. Pedro Teixeira in the field of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry. Me and a colleague developed an implementation of an Automated Geometry Theorem Prover in Mathematica with varying methods of Reduced Groebner Bases, as well as a dynamic visual interface.

  • Presented at the 2014 Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Physical Sciences, Math, and Computer Science at Washington University in St. Louis, “Implementation of an Automated Geometry Theorem Prover in Mathematica.”